The tokenization of investments and properties is one of the many blockchain applications that are proving to be currently active and profitable. This includes managing exchange services and creating cryptocurrency-related assets and derivatives. Generating tokens enables the creation of a scarce, highly liquid, and programmable asset, linked to various sources of value.


Initial Token Offerings (ITO) involve creating value linked to a token issued on an existing blockchain, such as Ethereum. This type of activity is usually linked to a project or company’s functionalities. In contrast, an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) refers to the creation of a new blockchain. However, issuing a token on an existing blockchain, such as Ethereum’s, is often the best choice since it is the largest network after Bitcoin.

Today, the tokenization of a property and its availability as an investment are fairly common practices. However, there are legal issues to consider, including ongoing government regulation, particularly regarding public savings and the issuance of securities. Regulation of the phenomenon is expected, but it is not yet clear how each government will manage the issue.


In Italy, the fintech decree of March 2023 created a regulatory framework for the tokenization of traditional financial instruments, paving the way for a series of new opportunities for companies and investors.

In particular, the decree allows for the digitization of corporate stocks and bonds through registration on a DLT platform. The regulation also establishes requirements regarding the integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation, and non-duplication of digital financial instruments, as well as the obligations of issuers.


In general, the tokenization of financial instruments could lead to greater democratization of investments, allowing a larger number of people to participate in the financial market more easily and conveniently. However, it is important to keep in mind that the tokenization of financial instruments also presents some challenges and risks, such as regulation, security, and liquidity of the issued tokens.

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